
State Juristiction
Date of Incorporation
Legal Form
Offering via Fundopolis Portal LLC aka Fundopolis
  • As of 2020-06-18, raising $25,000.00-$1,070,000.00 via 416,666+ of Common Stock at $0.06 by 2020-10-26Costing 6% in cash and 0% in equity
  • As of 2020-10-01, raising $25,000.00-$1,070,000.00 via 416,666+ of Common Stock at $0.06 by 2020-12-15Costing 6% in cash and 0% in equity
  • As of 2020-12-01, raising $25,000.00-$1,070,000.00 via 416,666+ of Common Stock at $0.06 by 2021-02-01Costing 6% in cash and 0% in equity
  • As of 2021-01-28, raising $25,000.00-$1,070,000.00 via 25,000+ of Common Stock at $0.06 by 2021-04-30Costing 6% in cash and 0% in equity
Filing date2020-06-182021-01-28
Current employees33
Act received most recent fiscal year$0.00$0.00
Act received prior fiscal year$0.00$0.00
Cash equi most recent fiscal year$2,479.00$2,479.00
Cash equi prior fiscal year$6,488.00$6,488.00
Cost goods sold most recent fiscal year$43,242.00$43,242.00
Cost goods sold prior fiscal year$25,047.00$25,047.00
Long term debt most recent fiscal year$0.00$0.00
Long term debt prior fiscal year$0.00$0.00
Net income most recent fiscal year$10,835.00$1,827.00
Net income prior fiscal year$1,827.00$1,827.00
Revenue most recent fiscal year$70,877.00$70,877.00
Revenue prior fiscal year$32,998.00$32,998.00
Short term debt most recent fiscal year$0.00$0.00
Short term debt prior fiscal year$0.00$0.00
Tax paid most recent fiscal year$1,592.00$1,592.00
Tax paid prior fiscal year$436.00$436.00
Total asset most recent fiscal year$2,479.00$2,479.00
Total asset prior fiscal year$6,488.00$6,488.00